Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive August, 2011

“HFT” High Frequency Trading Example.. NLY

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Yet another wonderful example of the ‘unintended consequences’ of the policy makers desire for permanent market liquidity and zero interest rates. I see regulators and policy makers have been out this weekend calling for yet more regulation. This time for the use of such black box ambush systems. For the smart cash investor they present...

High Frequency Trading Boxes explains “sell off” volumes..

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From Bloomberg.. In my opinion this is the single most important news story of the week. This is very significant and explains everything in terms of the price action that i observed was ‘strange’. These trades are leveraged short term trades that are typically netted off at the end of the day. They bombard the...

UBS – Global Equities.. “Quality stocks within a balanced sector allocation”

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UBS preferring EM markets at these levels given the strong balance sheets of the em countries. Given the risk issues in the market the theme of ‘balanced’ cos with strong diversified earnings is coming forward again and again. UBS-08-Aug-2011 The pro risk trade is likely to continue to come off albeit we are still oversold...

Bloomberg News Sweep “Central bankers have so far been the tower of strength” Deutsche Bank AG

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Quick listing of some key news events. Clearly Deutsche Bank have a lot of underwater positions at present and so praising central bankers. Quite amusing.. lol. Copper demand rises out of China in spite of poor seasonal factors. The evidence is China will keep switching from USDs to buy hard commodities when prices drop....

Markets – Technical Glimmers of a near term Bottom.. (& Miners)

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Asia overnight.. same old same old.. weakness but not significant weakness.. An optimist would call Asian indexes calm albeit that they, nonetheless fell. (Shanghai aside – which managed to turn positive. I wouldn’t read too much into this yet. The technicals are a disaster although well oversold now). Its note worthy that as the cash...

Barclays Capital “Risk assets at “tipping point” large moves in either direction are possible”

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Playing in to what has been said in the forum pages Barcap coming forward and highlighting the danger and parallels to 2008. The momentum is clearly to the south side. If counter momentum moves are beating back again and again, over sold or not, these markets will crash downwards. This is starting to become the...

GOLD’s Parabolic Move Continues – $1800 an ounce

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Here Gold’s 2011 move. Gold is the best indicator in the markets on the problems with fiat toilet paper currencies. The problems are getting far worse not better. Hyper inflation lies ahead of us. Much civil unrest is to come. This is what the gold chart is telling us loudly and very clearly. Rich

Markets – Technical & Macro Comments & Actions.. (part I)

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Asia generally bounced overnight following the US equity bounce end of session but in many Asian markets the move was very weak. Given the oversold levels the Asian bounce looks to have more to run.  Technically id point to the analysis here: These sorts of analysis are, as always, probabilities. Government and central bank...

Fed “Exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through mid-2013”

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The following is the full text of the statement following the Fed’s August meeting: “Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June indicates that economic growth so far this year has been considerably slower than the Committee had expected. Indicators suggest a deterioration in overall labor market conditions in recent months, and...

“We are just showing the rich people we can do what we want” BBC interviews UK Rioters

by on The UK has one of the highest inflation rates in the g10, one of the lowest first time buyer participation rates, one of highest public deficits yoy and one of the greatest wealth divides between ‘rich’ and ‘poor’.  One in eight is on benefits in the UK with the highest rate of single parents...


by on And with many now calling for a massive qe3 program its hard to see how the move could break. Here Rogoff, another academic calling for “much more aggressive monetary policy however unpopular it might be”. It won’t be unpopular in wall street, that’s for sure. Fed meeting today. If they announce QE3 it...

Barclays Capital – “Point of No Return” 1170 SP500 Weekly Close

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A very good technical view from Barcap across many instruments and asset classes released today. Inevitably such a view precludes any references to monetary matters, etc. This week an important one to this view on many instruments. A disasterous start of course. Barcap-Technical-Trends–8-8-11 Rich  
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