Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive September, 2011


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Here below an interesting and useful chart. Gold continues to be the best performing asset in the market as she has been for a long period now. She breaks out when the dollar gains and when the dollar is debased. She breaks out when equity rises and when equity falls. She is for filling her...

Option Call Pricing Spreadsheet.. (please – a work in progress)

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Hi guys, many people have mailed as regards to more detail on options.. I am in the process of writing a pdf that will hopefully contain the key points re calls puts and covered options.  All are very useful for particular market moments and should be a part of the arsenal of instruments we should...

UBS Technical Update – Continuation of Cyclical Bear, Near Term key Level SP500 1230, DX to rise.

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UBS-Weekly06-09 A pretty bearish report with no change to the sell the bounces view. A likely top for gold and tactical lows for equities coming end sept. Asian in process of making ‘final leg down’ before rejoining secular bull. Re Asia – “In the next 2 to 3 weeks we would prepare to start buying...

Switzerland CHF – Another Store of Value Destroyed by Central Bankers – SNB Balance Sheet Expansion – ‘Unlimited’. Pegs to the Euro

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The Swiss Central Bank has declared an “unlimited” expansion of her balance sheet to prevent continued appreciation of the chf.  The euro and yen surged 10% at times this am vs the chf as the Swiss Bank sold newly printed CHF’s and purchased Euro Usds, GBPs, Yen, adding them to her hugely bloated balance sheet....

“Progressive” Socialist Victory in German State Elections..

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The big losers on Sunday’s state German Elections were the conservative CDU and business friendly FDP. The big winners were the center left SPD, the far left party and the green party. As before, with center left and far left parties gaining share of the votes in germany you have to ask whether this vote...

Gold Breaks Out Again Friday.. New All Time Historic Euro, GBP, BRL, MXN, SEK highs..

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Gold had a very strong close into Friday challenging her USD all time highs with the equity indexes a long way from their recent lows. For those that measure things in pounds, euros, Mexican pesos, Brazilian Reals and Swedish Krones  gold made fresh all time historic highs on friday. As usual almost totally unreported by...

Latest UBS Technical Update – Cyclical Bear Market with SP500 Target 1018

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We have featured the UBS technical review three times on the site in the last couple of months. The record, thus far, has been stella in terms of timing and levels. The team have been on leave until this latest report from a couple of days ago.. (apologies on the late posting – i’ve marked...
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