Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive August, 2013


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Today’s consumer round up from WF. Steady as she goes really. Trends_in_Consumer_Spending_2013_09032013        


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Japan is increasingly important as a potentially interesting nominal growth asset market.. Here a CS report on japan just in. CS-Japan2-28-08-13

Weekly FX Technical Analysis, Macro Comments & Bullion Technicals

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There is one story dominating everything at present namely: To taper or not to taper? I’m very tempted to think this is a premature question as the FED is currently monetizing 85bn of securities a month and simply a taper of 25bn or less aimed at the short end of the yield curve could be...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “S&P500 Top in Place, Over sold on the Near Term”

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Its that time of week again for a barrage of technical market reports and comments. First up here the weekly market comments from SC: SC-WklyMkt-View-16-August-2013 Over weight US equities and European equities and US$ high yield.They repeat their rational which is leaves the door open for a continuation of near term technical weakness. “Recent earnings...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “S&P500 Still Holding 1685”

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  The swiss team’s latest report is below. There is some caution in their latest report. They have opened the door to adjusting their model dependent on potentially “game changing moves” in the metals to Europe. To my mind this is all part of the summer heat. Summer trading days are there to confuse the...

In Focus: The UK

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Headlines wise its been a strong quarter for the UK and an out performance in terms of economic surprises. The UK is suddenly leading the pack with a rapid expansion in domestic growth. The latest data releases last week inc services growth which expanded at the fastest pace in over 6 years.Manufacturing growth last week...
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