Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive September, 2013

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Use Strength Into First Half Sept To Sell”

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Here below the Swiss team’s excellent technical round up of the major markets across the world. I’m personally traveling and researching a specific property investment project so its hard for me to comment more meaningfully other than the long portfolio is running and this persistently warm tail wind to wealth is a wonderful thing and...

WF Jobs Analysis-06-09-13

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WF here on the US jobs data. As i’ve mentioned many times WF really do all they can to generally take a positive spin on the macro data. Its noteworthy that even they are struggling on this print. They fail to mention the downward revisions to June and July! WF-Employment-090613

CS & WF – Equity Sectors & Picks 04-09-13

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CS-EquityStrat-14-08-13 WF-Equity-04-09-13  

CS-MacroStrat & DB MorningCall 06-09-13

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CS-Marcostrat2-06-09-13 DB-Preopen-06-09-13

Weekly FX & Bullion Technical Analysis & Macro Comments – “US$ Strength & Rates Rise”

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September is usually associated with providing direction in the markets after the long summer months of chop and churn which is designed to confuse participants on where next. The macro theme since May of this year has been rising rates globally albeit from super low historic levels. Rates have risen quickly with today seeing the...

Nomura “Epic Fail” – EURUSD – 05-09-13

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It doesn’t matter if you paid 8 figures or 4 figures. We all get it wrong now and again. Here Nomura out this morning with a epic fail on the eurusd trade. nomura-eurusd-050913 Always a dangerous one calling false breakdowns. If euro rates were rising more quickly and over took US$ rates then i could...

FX-EURUSD 05-09-13

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Fixed Income-10yrT’s – Lower Low! (05Sept)

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Here the sept future on the US Treasury 10yr paper. The Sept has made a lower low and the Dec 10yr Treasury is significantly scoring a lower low (ie rates made a new record high across the futures this am!). The spread to US$ high yield is at extremes. If the mean reverts there will...

FX-CS-Nomura – 04/05 Sept13

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CS-FX-Daily05-09-13 & a useful set of charts and levels from Nomura on cable. I agree the door open to 1.575 but the area pretty crucial and tricky. I thought we might have got up there a bit sooner in Aug. As now sept spikes through more unlikely. Neutral now on this pair for me but...

Mkt Prestonni Comments & NORDIA Strat Sept13

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I don’t want to overload everyone with reports but this is a useful roundup report. Not as good as the CS one but useful nonetheless. Its also noteworthy to see (and compare) forecasts across the teams. Note forecast from Nord, US 10yr Ts to be 2.55% yield by year end? I would beg to differ,...


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I find myself very much in tune with JPM here and generally on the other side of the bargain therefore vs Nomura as one example. JP-FX-Trades-04-09-13  

SCOT Bank – Wkly Global Strat – 30-08-13

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In depth report on major markets from Scotiabank ScotB-WKLYglobalstrat-30-08-13  
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