Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive November, 2014

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Limited Further Upside” 25th November14

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The time of the week for a major release and tech update. This bull market is stronger that many would have ever imagined. Monetary induced or a real recovery no matter. We are paid on price and price is moving relentlessly higher. Cash as an asset class remains very undesirable and therefore all asset markets...

Sunday Marco Update – 16th November14

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I will update this I promise later today. But here a preview in case you are also working this Sunday. To recap multi decade themes, our problems in our fiat US$ system are about debt and sustaining the exponential ms expansion. Its correct therefore that credit markets should continue to be a lead on what...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SPX Topping, US$ Wave5 Complete, Gold Rallying” 11th Nov14

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Its Tuesday evening so time to review where we are here across the international asset markets. The recovery in stock prices has been near vertical. Momentum is finally fading and breadth on each new high is producing divergences on the near term. Sentiment via AAII as well as the put call ratios suggests extreme bullishness...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Over Bought Extremes, Early November Top, Take Profits” 04th Nov14

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The Swiss team are back and below please find their latest technical analysis comments on world markets. Its the usual excellent report. I would only want to add the strength of the breadth issue to build on the case for a confusing new December high in some US indexes and sectors, Nasdaq included! The recent...
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