Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive January, 2015

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Gold Surprising To Upside, Even Structurally” 27th Jan15

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Another week of volatility sustains. It was a historic week for news flow as the ECB finally pressed the OMT button. Not a collective quantitative OMT action but performed via the NCBs (National Central Banks). If the devil is in the detail of these sort of policy announcements this was the certainly the detail. In...

Technical FX Update – “Beware the Euro Bounce” 23rd Jan14

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Its been a blisteringly positive start to the year if you were short euros and long assets. Volatility remains at very elevated levels and trends are long with very few corrections across asset markets. Leverage remains at record levels and many instrument trade levels are at record level extremes. Ie long US$ positions. None of...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Distribution Above 1972” 21st Jan15

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Its been an extremely busy start to the year with volatility staying high across most asset classes. FX and the PMs have stepped up a gear. The US$ bull market has been truly impressive. As impressive as the euro’s bear market. The SNB’s decision has thrown risk management into total confusion as historic volatility in...

Weekly Technical Analysis Update v2 – 13th Jan15

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Its that time of the week again. We had a high momentum, reasonable volume given a normally quiet period,  sell off for equities from trading day 1 2015. The technical issues are well flagged but price pattern wise having achieved a very recent higher high on many of the major indexes and sector indexes the...

2015 Technical Roadmap – 05th Jan15

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I believe we have started the year as we will likely go on. 2015 will likely be the year of step change in volatility. Before we turn to 2015 projections and technical considerations lets for a moment reflect on 2014 2014 was the year of the US$s return.The US$ strength played havoc with performance numbers...
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