Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive March, 2015

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Wave C, HangSeng Breaking Out” 31st March15

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Its amazing how quickly Tuesday seems to come around every week. Its the usual drill again this week with a v1 issue and updates to follow. Here a trio of technical reports from the “swiss team”, ML and of course the excellent GS report. Much more to come tomorrow. First up by way of an...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Ftse100 New Secular Bull Market 8200 Target” 24th March15 V3

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Volatility has continued with all asset markets continuing to show large movements again in the last week. Currency markets have traded very well with very clear price signals. For my own book its been an exceptionally strong week for FX and with euro equities remaining strong and the IBEX35 breaking out strongly. I going to...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Bearish Bellow 2040, Bullish Above 2097” 17th March15

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Its the time of the week for another technical run through the major world asset markets. As so often is the case much seems to rest on the decision of the world’s central bankers. The Eurusd is very extended and is affecting all asset markets. Nonetheless, it seems any manner of technical setup can be...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SPX Likely Test of 1970 to 2000” 11th March14 “V2”

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I’m traveling again I’m afraid so i’m going to have to update this on the move. The sell off was well flagged technically so, at the least, hedges were the order of the day on the reversal bar from last Tuesday. For more aggressive price traders Thursday provided a weak bull response setting up the...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Closing Break Of 2100 SPX Negative” 4th March14 – V2

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Apologies team a lot to catch up on in terms price action and all the various technical indicators and sentiment. Let me start with the reports as there are a lot here to update with: Firstly the Swiss team’s latest: wklytech-03-3-15 SPX 2100 is broken. (As I update this end of day the break at...
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