Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive November, 2015

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Pre Xmas Rally Pullback” 24th Nov15 V2

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Some interesting price feedback from FX here aside the equity rally has continued. Although the US$ is continuing to make good strength vs sterling and the euro she has scored failure patterns vs several currencies inc the AUD and SGD, CAD and others. This could be a meaningful indicator that the US$’s strength could take...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Buy Weakness” 18th Nov15

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We have yet more soothing sounds from Central banks and asset markets appear to be preparing for the usual Christmas rally.  In spite of the remaining technical issues cash is a dangerous asset in this world of understated inflation and persistently attentive central banks. It was right to go long on the lows of a...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “US Yields Breaking Out” 11th Nov15

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Some good reports this week with much discussion on the macro significance of the data and instrument movements. Breakouts by rates and US$ index, breakdown defensive utilities. Fitzpatrick commenting that the inflation benign tailwinds from lower oil prices is likely behind us setting up for a cyclical rally attempt vs defensive issues. As always monetary...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Still Overbought & Vulnerable” 04th Nov15 v2

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I’m traveling again so apologies for the delaying in issuing. This has been a nose bleeding retrace for dm equity markets. S&P close to making her prior highs. Nas100 new highs. From an allocation perspective, whatever the allocation be whether currencies, pms, bonds or commodities confusion reigns here. Usually confusion preempts a trend change, in...
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