Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Monthly archive March, 2016

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SPX Tactically Toppish” 29th March16

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Another week quickly comes around and the major macro event, following on from the ultra easy ECB, was the soothing dovish Fed. Price has reacted positively for the bulls with the sp500 making margin new highs. World indexes not confirming the move although currency adjusted it looks better as the US$ has weakened a little....

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Take Profits Across Equities” 23rd March16

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Its too early to call the top but we are very very close to confirmation across instruments. We have the sp500 losing upward momentum, weak breadth, contrarian put call, dropping volatility vixx, negative divergence on price, we have a renewed us$ bounce and a big bounce at over sold levels vs many commodity currencies...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Risk Corrective Top In Sight” 16th March16

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Risk assets continue to build to an important and profitable corrective top from their over sold bounce earlier in Q1. I’m taking gradually taking profits on risk, though not precious metals, at the higher levels of the top of this very recent distribution. Unfortunately i cant bring many meaningful technical comments of my own as...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Bounce in Risk Close to Completion” 8th March16

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Price action has been steady with no fireworks, only oil aside. Its an interesting report again this week from the guys. The correction from over sold levels across risk has occurred more powerfully and rapidly than the Swiss team expected. They have therefore shifted their timing model forward reading the recent moves as an impulsive...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Near Term Overbought But ABC Rally Sustains” – 2nd March16 v2

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So far so good on the ABC rally. A is extending and B is delayed, for now. Breadth is weakening so its a matter of time before we take a breather here. Comments on micro managing this rally from last week sustain. Gold has not shown much of retrace in spite of the US dollar...
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