Markets have closed. Its been volatile but no significant spikes down after the morning’s fireworks. We are at 12128 on the ym or exactly 100 ticks higher than the lows of the day and 1293 es or sp500 futures as i type i.e. no key levels have been broken. So we await our political masters decision. Depending on their decisions and or indecision’s expect plenty of volatility and spikes to the south side to threaten the cyclical bull market. Nothing today made the price action look anything other than theater but lets see if (and how) more significant participants join the action. DX, oil, pms wise as was. Jpy is an emerging story. She offers the safety of a fire from the USD frying pan is a good analogy, imo.

I’m flying tomorrow to Mallorca forĀ  a few days but will try and check in early next week.

Luck to all and have a great weekend guys. Rich

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