Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

CommerzB-Commodity FX Tech Weekly – 30th Oct13

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The usual excellent Commerz weekly technical report on the commodity fm pairs. Here the report: CommerzB-CommodityFX-30-10-13 rich  

CS Wealth – Monthly Global Strategy – November13

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Good report here from CS Wealth. No surprise to hear some participants calling the bottom in 2009 the start of a new secular bull market for equities! When more participants start making this call it will certainly be a good contrarian indicator. Its a consensus view with calls for more compression on high yield, out...

CommerzB – Bullion Weekly Tech – 29th Oct13

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Its Fed day and we see the Bullion and FX at some key levels here. The Commerz technical report here below and the team wanting to see a clear break of 1359 gold bullion and 23.14 on silver. The Silver chart has distributed recently. If she breaks above this resistance she should move with momentum...

BarCap-Global Instruments Technicals & Oil Supply Issues – 28th Oct13

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Here a nice traditional price technical round up by the tech team at BarCap. Barcap-wklyglobaltech-28-10-13 To counter the above tech bearish view on WTI, post the likely near term bounce, here a Barcap, more bullish, fundamental perspective re the troubles in supply from Libya and Iraq, released yesterday. barcap-oil-fundamentals-28-10-13 Last week, sector wise the European...

SGeneral & CommerzB – Weekly FX Technicals – 28th Oct13

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A good price technical report here. Plays in to the themes we have witnessed across participants at present. Part of the jigsaw. SGeneral-WklyFXTech-28-10-13 And here Commerz on their weekly as regards to the major crosses with the major em fx instruments. Commerz-wklyemfx-28-10-13 Rich

BARCAP-Wkly Macro & Commodities Price Tech 25th Oct13

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BarCap here basically going all in on all asset classes to the end of 2013. A super bullish call this. No matter fixed income, Piigs fixed income, oil, equities, junk, bullion. In summary, put on the blind fold or hand the dart to the chimp, and go all in. BARCAP-WKLYMACROTECH-25-10-13 With Yellen at the FED...

SC – Global Macro Strat Monthly – Nov2013

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An excellent report. No time to comment on it but a nice walk through this by the private banking team in SC. SC-MonthlyGlobalMarkets-Nov13 Rich

DeutscheB Commitment of Traders, Major Instruments – 28th Oct13

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A nice report here which adds another arrow to the technical view on the markets. I like the level of the shorts on WTI, as one example playing into the weak seasonals for the instrument. Purely from a trading perspective if they can be ‘turned over’ these are the sorts of games that traders like...

JPM-FX Technical Analysis – 25th Oct 13

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Some key pairs with an emphasis on the commodity pairs to the US$. Strength in the EURO & US$ vs the NZD, CAD etc with some key levels in play. Here the report: JPM-fx-25-10-13 Rich    

CS – Weekly Macro Charts 24th Oct 2013

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Here a great set of charts across the major markets with the key technical levels according to CS. All sorts of standout charts inc the “US credit spreads threaten the year’s lows again” as commented, the spread is narrowing to the 10yr UST and this trend is motoring look at the tech price chart for...

CommerzB – Bullion Weekly Technical Analysis 22nd Oct 13

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At this interesting pivotal point in the FX markets, it follows that the bullion markets are also reaching a medium term pivotal moment. So here the Commerz team updating their views and restating the medium term importance 1350 level. “We are technically at a key juncture for the development of the next medium term trend...

CS-Weekly Wealth Management Allocations – 25th Oct13

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Another great report from the Swiss Wealth Management team re affirming many of the allocations and trades of our own in recent weeks. Equities stretched aside from large caps with significant EM exposures. Good call i believe although i think the over valuation can extend here further.(More tech tomorrow on this near term issue). WTI...
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