Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

BarCap,CS,Commerz,UBP,SEB – Global Mkt Strats – 30th Nov13

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A mix of reports covering a wide variety of global asset markets. First up some great tech charts from CS and then Commerz, here: cs-charts-21-11-13 Commerz-TechCharts-28-11-13 Here below the Barcap team covering global macro strat BARCAP-globalmacrostrat-27-11-13 Here a nice SEB report SEB-EquityIndextech-28-11-13 And finally here the UBP wealth allocations UBP-assetstrat-nov13 Happy, productive reading and consideration...

DB,JP,SC,Nodea – FX Technical & Economic Analysis – 26th Nov13

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A raft of reports inc the usual SC run through. Discussion and allocation updates on the forum pages as usual. Here SC SC-FX-26-11-13 Here A superb Nordea comprehensive view Nordea-fx-26-11-13 Pure FX techs from JP & DB here: DB-FX-26-11-13 JP-FXStrat-26-11-13 Rich

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Dec Overshoot Target S&P500 1850, Dax 9700.” 26th Nov13

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Here below the latest Swiss team’s technical weekly multi market comments and analysis. The price trend work remains intact as does sentiment and sectoral work with the finance sector finally joining the break out sectors. Europe, major index wise,  the Dax remains bullish (as does the ftse100) but the IBEX is theoretically the beta especially...

SC & CAN Global Mkts Strat Monthly – Dec13

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Couple of great monthly reports from SC and CAN. The SC report multi mkt and dealing with some leading tech indicators. SC remains fairly bullish on an extension of this rally, subject to any small 5% correction. Global economic review from CAN. Pretty optimistic and for strengthening growth for 2014 and 2015. We must recall...

CS Wealth & JP Equity – 22nd Nov13

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A couple of excellent CS Wealth reports. First up macro markets, stock picks and commodity comments CS-wklywealth-22-11-13 And here some specific technical comment and indicators. Even CS are picking up the sentiment issues here. CS-WealthAllocations-20-11-13 And here the usual outstanding JP Equity report inc technical indicators and stock picks etc. They remain uber bullish into...


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A host of macro economically focused reports. Only the projections remain optimistic. All the near term data uniformly continues to disappoint, like earnings. Here the CS team taking a quick run through of the most recent global data points. CS-Macroecon-22-11-13 Here Australian team from DB reviewing and making some forecasts of the econ data. Their...

CS,Commerz – Mkt Strat & European PMI – 19th Nov13

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A few wider multi market macro reports from Commerz and CS. Commerz-Mktstrat-19-11-13 And CS here CS-Macroecon-18-11-13 And some news just off the wires re the latest European PMIs. “An index based on a survey of purchasing managers in the manufacturing industry rose to a 29-month high of 51.5 from 51.3 in October”. Presented as...

BarCap Equity Strat & Picks – 18th Nov13

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A couple of very useful weekly BarCap equity strat reports containing their equity recommendations and forecasts. I hope to make these regulars Barcap-equity2-11-11-13 barcap-equity-18-11-13 And here their monthly equity markets report with some good macro and sector internal work. Barcap-macroequity-17-11-13 As i’m in a positional equity trade on the IBEX market here CS on the...

MS & SC Weekly FX Reports – 15th & 19 Nov13

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Here below the respective in house positions of MS and SC. MS making the US$ case correlating the strength  to the deflationary backdrop. (Which is usually a dangerous cocktail for risk). Report here MS-WklyFX-15-11-13 Here SC retaining a ‘structurally bullish” position on the US and bullish the GBP vs US$ due to the positive “technicals...

CS Wealth & SC Wealth – Weekly Mkts & Equity Picks – 15th Nov13

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Here a couple of regular weekly reports from the respective wealth management teams at the above institutions. CS remains concerned on world interest rates and expects the Fed minutes later this week to bring forward the taper discussion once again. That would be a head wind for equities. Nonetheless they point out the strong seasonal...

Global Macro Monthly & Weekly Economic Reviews & Forecasts – WF,CS,BarCap,Scan

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There is a lot of reading. Its for those with a bias to the fundamental data. The data remains soft or weak recovery, at best. And as WF perfectly asks, “Five Years, Three QEs and $3.5 Trillion Later, Where’s the Inflation?” And consider this. In previous nominal bull markets usually occur alongside some rise inflation...

JP Weekly Equity Update – “S&P500 YE Target 1825”

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I hope all had a good weekend. I apologize but we had a big electrical lightening storm here which wiped out the power for around 12 hours earlier today hence the delay in posting these new reports. Here below the weekly equity report from JPM. Its an excellent report. The sectoral analysis is on the...
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