Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

CS FS Weekly Technical Strategy – 30th Oct13

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The usual excellent CS weekly fx strategy report with a big focus on a bounce back for the US$ vs the euro. They present the weak euro fundamental data we already know about. Technical support for the DX here. They are bullish the US$, see an over valuation for the Euro and expect a significant...

CS Wealth – Monthly Global Strategy – November13

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Good report here from CS Wealth. No surprise to hear some participants calling the bottom in 2009 the start of a new secular bull market for equities! When more participants start making this call it will certainly be a good contrarian indicator. Its a consensus view with calls for more compression on high yield, out...

WF – Fundamental Review – PPI, ConConf, CPI & IP – 29th Oct13 – “Could We Be Wrong?”

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Ahead of the announcement by the FED. There is a lot of market comment from industry gurus e.g. the comments from Blackrock’s CEO and PIMCO’s CEO advocating an immediate FED taper. Here below I strongly suggest there will be no Fed taper forthcoming as the data is in fact moving in other direction. We have...

SC – Global Macro Strat Monthly – Nov2013

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An excellent report. No time to comment on it but a nice walk through this by the private banking team in SC. SC-MonthlyGlobalMarkets-Nov13 Rich

ScotiaB-FXWklyTech 25th Oct13

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Many participants are neutral here. They are trading small volumes until we get a bit more clarity which way we are heading here. Here Scotia, to an extent, telling us what we already know but nice analysis and puts some meat on the bones technically on the fx pairs. ScotiaB-FX-25-10-13 Rich

CommerzB & WF – Week in Focus – 25th Oct13

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Here the Commerz economic team for the week ahead. Commerz-weeklyecon-25-10-13 And WF, review of the key data and a look ahead WeeklyEconomicFinancialCommentary_10252013 Rich

CS-Commodities 22nd Oct 13 & BarCap – China Commodities Oct 21st 13

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This is what is so interesting at this point in proceedings. Many large participants are forecasting a continuation of the cyclical commodity bear and effectively the ending of the commodity super cycle. Fundamental demand and supply wise they could be correct but demand and supply do not drive price moves of commodity instruments any more....

CS-MarcoStrat 21st Oct13

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A nice roundup just released from the Swiss team. CS-MarcoStrat-21-10-13 Rich

CommerzB-Weekly Macro Economics-18th Oct13

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Commerz concurring with the JP team re forecasting the euro to fall back down to the 1.33 level vs the US$ given time. They have extended their range for the pair up to the 1.38 level. A useful report. Commerz-wklymacroecon-18-10-13 Rich

WF-Weekly Economics – 18th Oct13

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The Wells team below on the latest economic developments post the lifting of the debt ceiling. WF-Wkly-econ-18-10-13

SC Weekly Macro Strategy, Levels & Allocations – 18th Oct 13

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Just off the wires this morning SC’s latest weekly report on global markets inc key levels and their allocation recommendations. SC also taking a bow at their recent performance and allocations. They appear to be getting a bit more bullish, at least euro area wise and staying under weight fixed income. SC-WklyMacroStrat-18-oct13 US$ confusion reigns,...


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Not easy to get our hands on GS reports and when we do you have to read slightly cynically. Having said that this one of the more useful macro reports. GS-MacroCharts-10-13  
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