Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Fixed Income

Weekly Macro,Commodity & Econ Focus inc Japan & UK (CS, Epstein, WF, JP, etc)

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As a general comment, the main US equity market indexes appear to be in a giant distribution since May. Higher highs have been achieved but at the cost of weaker and weaker technicals. Its not a hugely positive market in spite of higher prices being achieved. Europe has more momentum and price support for the...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “S&P500 To Make Minor Low This Week”

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The Swiss team are sticking to their view that this is all part of the price distribution that marks out a top building period for the US indexes. The recent break of 1709 on the sp500 as well as the euro index strength were game changes for them and hence they have extended their call...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “S&500 Near Term Toppish”

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Here below the Swiss team’s latest Technical report. Apologies, I’m traveling once again putting the final touches to various new investments. Analysis to follow as an update, many reports on the vip members area. Here the usual weekly tech report: WklyTech-24-09-13 The best to all Rich

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Toppish & Europe Trading in Wave 5”

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The Swiss team’s report listed below. World markets are continuing to show remarkable resilience in spite of all the indicators pointing to likely price weakness and even a correction.  The team have pushed out their deeper correction timeline to Q1 2014 now given the likely higher high by the s&p500. Near term, they are now...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Use Strength Into First Half Sept To Sell”

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Here below the Swiss team’s excellent technical round up of the major markets across the world. I’m personally traveling and researching a specific property investment project so its hard for me to comment more meaningfully other than the long portfolio is running and this persistently warm tail wind to wealth is a wonderful thing and...

Weekly FX & Bullion Technical Analysis & Macro Comments – “US$ Strength & Rates Rise”

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September is usually associated with providing direction in the markets after the long summer months of chop and churn which is designed to confuse participants on where next. The macro theme since May of this year has been rising rates globally albeit from super low historic levels. Rates have risen quickly with today seeing the...

Weekly FX Technical Analysis & Macro Comments.. “US$ Bouncing Off Key Levels”

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We have labor day holidays across US markets today which marks the official ending of the usual summer malaise in market volume. Sept is seasonally a volatile month and more often than not to the downside. Having said that August was a bad month for bond prices as rates marched higher across sovereign and consumer...

Weekly FX Technical Analysis, Macro Comments & Bullion Technicals

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There is one story dominating everything at present namely: To taper or not to taper? I’m very tempted to think this is a premature question as the FED is currently monetizing 85bn of securities a month and simply a taper of 25bn or less aimed at the short end of the yield curve could be...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “S&P500 Top in Place, Over sold on the Near Term”

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Its that time of week again for a barrage of technical market reports and comments. First up here the weekly market comments from SC: SC-WklyMkt-View-16-August-2013 Over weight US equities and European equities and US$ high yield.They repeat their rational which is leaves the door open for a continuation of near term technical weakness. “Recent earnings...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “S&P500 Still Holding 1685”

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  The swiss team’s latest report is below. There is some caution in their latest report. They have opened the door to adjusting their model dependent on potentially “game changing moves” in the metals to Europe. To my mind this is all part of the summer heat. Summer trading days are there to confuse the...

Weekly Technical Comments – “S&P500 Moving to an Important Medium-Term Top, Cycles Imply a Top This Week”

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The Swiss team’s latest report below. They retain their bearish call on equities and significantly call for a top in cyclical stocks and a re-rotation back into the defensive issues. Their words, also mine on the forum pages: “Make or Break Setup in US Cyclical Performance” This issue cuts to the core of the sustainability...

Proprietary Sector Tech Comments – Dow30 & Euro Cyclicals

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I would encourage all readers of the “latest news” pages on (around 500 unique visitors daily) to regularly check and preferably contribute to the forum pages. The content on the forum pages is far greater and the analysis deeper. Here below I re-post a couple of the recent forum comments. From Saturday 13th July:...
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