Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Fundamental Indicators

Weekly Technical Comments – “Short-Term Bounce Before More Weakness”

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Below the latest Swiss team’s comments on the major market indexes from across the globe. Short term issues remain as were. On the short term, we have a bounce  which is an opportunity for adding to hedges. Euro indexes have having been more over sold have enjoyed a higher bounce than the US sectors, thus...

Weekly Technical Comments & More.. “Equity Market Distribution into a Top” & “Bullion Secular Bull Intact”

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Ok, attached below the latest view from the Swiss tech team. Another great report and nothing in the last week has invalidated their view on the major asset markets which ties in to my own views as documented on the forum boards. US index Sp500 false breakout. Rus2000 failure and looking very weak. Sub sector...

Weekly Technical Comments – “US Indexes Q1 Top Forming. HGX, EMs, Nik225 Topped Out, Sell Bounces”

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Another solid report from the team in Switzerland covering the major sectors and indicators and price patterns once again. Amongst the items a wave five top for end q1 looks increasingly likely but its possible that a new higher high can be formed as the distribution is not providing a classic signal yet. This is...

Info Dump – Bullion Weekly Tech Report, WF Monthly Macro, Inverse Correlation JPY Nik225 at extremes.

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A quick info dump here for all. Here below the latest bullion tech. Having been asleep the bullion’s volatility is creeping up again as are her HUI miners. This makes me wake up again on the asset class. BullionWeeklyTechnicals12032013 Here the below the latest WF monthly macro economic run through. Global macro remains very weak....

Interim Personal Trading Update – “Risk On – Steady As She Goes” But The Asset Rally is Narrowing”

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Its been a while since i completed a personal update. As we seem to have passed through the great distribution of the last 6 weeks, here below a quick run through of my own book, feelings, comments, analysis.  There is an emphasis, as always, to the future battles. Things are good, life is good and...

Weekly Highlighted Content Chart Blitz – (From Forum Pages)

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Another busy week albeit as price consolidates in a near term top formation providing us time to select the currencies and short targets to best profit from the near term correction. Some instruments have already provided large profits to those who did their homework correctly. On the forum pages we picked out the euro cyclical...

From The Forum Boards – “Weekly Highlight Content Blitz”

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Another busy week of analysis, trades, comment and images.An interesting week on various fronts.  Here below some of the highlights of the last week from the forum pages. Major themes this week were: International equities making 5 year highs. Euro strength vs her major developed world pairs. Inc GBP, USD, JPY. Increased volatility in the...

1925 Parlimentary Gold Standard Debate – “Shackle Us to Reality” Winston Churchill

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“I will tell you what it will shackle us to. It will shackle us to reality. For good or for ill, it will shackle us to reality. That is the only basis upon which we shall be standing, and I believe it to be the only basis which offers any permanent security for our affairs....

Weekly Bullion Technical Comments – “Short Term Neutral, Medium Remains Bullish” & Market Comments…

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Apologies for anyone who missed the report being published earlier this week. I did publish the report on the forum pages. And indeed I let a contract go on silver myself earlier in the week due to the struggle we are having on multiple correlated industrial instruments here. The supports should be noted in the...

2013 Technical Forecast, Cycles, Correlations, Inter Market Analysis & Comment..

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The Swiss team have done themselves proud once again. Words fail me. A superb analysis. Lets see if they can win the European technical team for 2013 as they did in 2012. To the report specifically. There is much to digest here. What I continue to admire about their approach is that it’s probability driven....

Nordic Region 2013 Economic Projections – “Growth Continues But Dark Clouds On Horizon”

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Here below a fundamental economic report providing an economic outlook on the Nordic region care of Nordea. The report makes clear the lower growth projections for Sweden and Denmark for 2013. Norway is set to expand more rapidly than 2012 and Sweden more slowly. Both events will each create interesting dilemmas for their central banks...

Seymour’s Equity Research – “Inflationary Deflation” Report

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Seymour Equity have produced an outstanding report here. The attached document cuts to the core of the macro and cyclical issues facing the various asset classes. Its makes extensive use of the Kondratieff long wave theories and explains these for us. This is useful for those new to these theories. (Its worthy of note that Dr...
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