Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Fundamental Indicators

No Comment – Chart of the Week..

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Ok, this week im going to cheat just a little by providing four charts.. The effect of providing four charts hints at my narrative behind the four but we are all grown ups here. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions as to what is occuring here. Rich

Land of the Rising Sun..

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Japan is complex story. From the eyes of a western investor a surreal world where valuations seem entirely out of step with western metrics. Imagine a world where the yield you recieve for lending your capital to your government (A very indebted government with 200% debt to gdp) is less than 0.95% per annum for...

No Comment – Chart of the Week

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Emerging Market Report Blitz & Some Comments..

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Some excellent reports on emerging markets and related issues such as inflation here: Capital-Flows-to-Emerging-Market UB-emerging-markets-120711 DanskeInflation02082011 The multi trillion dollar issue is how the capital inflow issue is affected by the inflation issue. I suggest emerging market (EM) economies (generally) have more levers at their disposal to deal with inflation than do the highly indebted...

Macro View – The Developed Nation Two Tier Monetary System To Directly Enfranchise Emerging Market Consumers

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The Post Developed Market Debt Explosion..  2008 to 2012 ‘A Two Tier Monetary System’ From 2008 to now, those in the developed world have experienced a two tier financial system. Capital has been abundant and cheap for banks and governments. But it has been scarce and expensive for consumers and small and medium sized firms....

WF Weekly Economic Indicators 03-02-2012

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Below the pretty up beat WF view of the weekly fundamentals. Or, at least, relative to where we seemed to heading just a few short months ago. A few chart highlights I’ve taken from the report. Firstly, as those following events closely already knew, the pmi across the world were indicating a great slow down...

No Comment – Chart of the Week

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No Comment – Chart of the Week..

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Hyper Inflationary End Game Approaches.. Dr.Ben Bernanke, Gideon Gono, Rudolf Von Havenstein..

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I dont want to repeat myself but yesterday provided more signals for the inevitable direction we are on so its correct to stand back and repeat what has said before events overwhelm those unprepared for what is occuring. Yes, the list of arrogant central bankers who have debased their nation’s currencies is long indeed. Before...

Weekly Technical View & Macro Comments, ‘Near Term Overbought’..

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The Swiss team have changed their stance a little. The recent strength providing evidence that the pull back, when it comes, will be shallow and not severe. From their technical perspective, they judge, this move will likely therefore run to the end of March or early April and score a higher high across the broad...

A Quick Refresher.. Jobs, Population, USD Reserves & Inflationary Expropriations

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The US population expands yoy by approximately 1.5% (producing a doubling time of about 45 years). The rate of change here has not diminished. Every new entrant needs an auto loan, housing loan, student loan etc. In a world of exponential curves the curve of population growth and debt creation look likely to continue, for...

Euro Farce Becomes a Euro Tragedy – Guns & Butter

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Guns or butter, or better both and debt, has been the choice of those in power of our coinage for centuries. Intervensionst central planners that can debase the currency always do with either guns or butter and in some, desperate cases, both. In contemporary terms nothing has changed. Its a common observation to see an...
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