Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

Sunday Technical Analysis – “We Are in Stoppage Time” 16th June14

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Apologies for the slight delay in posting my Sunday reflections. Please find them below. Since the last breakout its been a time of number crunching and questioning this most recent rally. Below is my analysis. But first some reports. First up the uber bearish AG ag-wklytech-16-6-14 And here the equally uber bullish fitzpatrick: citi-wklyytech-16-6-14 And...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Bear Capitulation” 11th June14

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Swiss holidays yesterday so this week’s technical run through has been delayed slightly. Price has pushed on from last week’s report and as a consequence some of the technical readings, according to the team are rapidly moving into a contrarian territory which is starting to signal we are moving into the zone of the medium...

Sunday Tech Considerations – “Are We There Yet” 08th June14

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We had some very promising price signals last week and the promising market breadth then resulted in a Thursday session breakout for most the key sectors. The Nik225 joined the move and the bull market started to move forward once again. In spite of some key technical signals that participants had started to allocated long...

Weekly Technical Analysis “SP500 Short Term Toppish” 06th June14

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The Swiss team have reported and they have provided a near term toppish recommendation on the lead sp500 index. The rational is a combo of: 1) over bought momentum. Correct for the lead indexes like dow transports, health  and semis although many other indexes remain with low rsi’s and relatively unloved. It is very poor...

Weekly Tech Trio & Comment – “Continuation, for Now” 1st June14

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First up I wish i could be more certain of near term direction here. Issues such as market breadth are very inconclusive. Lets run through it. The bulls can point to the sp500 and % stocks above their 200 dmas as maintaining a solid bullish continuation of this 6th year of this bull market. Certainly...

Technical, Macro Cross Asset Market Reports & Comment – 31st May 2014

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I hope all are having a productive and or relaxing weekend. Personally I’m still playing catch up on cyclical and secular trends across asset markets here, digesting the recent price action and its implications. Lets start with some macro reports here:  wf-macrowkly-30-5-14 Here a useful macro equity view fro ML ml-macroequity Here the usual useful...

Weekly Technical Analysis – 27th May 2014 “Rotation Back into Cyclicals!”

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2014 has thus far been pretty disappointing if you played for a bullish continuation from 2013. Most sectors and intra indexes have struggled. Following on from the last 2 weeks more positive price action the Dow Jones is back to her 2014 opening price. The Nasdaq, as of yesterday, scrapped just above her 2014 open...

Sunday Technical Trio Update – 24th May 2014

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The professionals remain very divided on where we are here. Some US equity markets reach new highs whilst others are technically struggling. The commodities remain an answered question for now with Fitzpatrick below providing a timely update on the inflation question. First up here AG sticking to their bearish “guns”. AG-tech-24-5-14 And here GS with...

“MM” Update – 23rd May14

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A quick update of reports. A few key instruments for my focus and book remains. The Euro breakdown vs the GBP producing a final wave lower in her multi year cyclical bear market. The Euro possible breakdown vs the USD. This area of the chart is vital to hold for the euro if her low...

Weekly Multi Market Technical Analysis Update – “Euro A Viable Funding Currency” 22nd May14

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I’m still playing catch up here but the quick view from yesterday on the forum “markets” pages wasn’t a bad summary, for those that caught that. Here the swiss team’s latest report: wklytech-20-5-14 Here an excellent chart pack from cs cs-techcharts-17-5-14 Here GS GS-mmwkly-17-5-14 Here MS FX MS-FXwkly-16-5-14 “We believe the stage is set for...

Weekly technical analysis – Volatility Alert in the SPX …. Bullish Reversal in China! 13th may14

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I am traveling this week so am unable to make comments on this latest report from the Swiss team. I’ll be back online in the next few days so will post some comments on my return. Without delay here the report: UBSTAWeekly13-05 All the best Rich

Cross Asset Price Chart Technical Analysis – “The Coming Decline” 9th May14

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Its a wise trader/investor that knows how best to allocate his time at different stages of a market. Effective time allocation is a great part of mastering trading practice. We have a low volatility lull here as directional and indeed cross asset spreads stretch and fail to comply to historical means. Whats more these spreads...
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