Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

SC Weekly Macro Strategy, Levels & Allocations – 18th Oct 13

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Just off the wires this morning SC’s latest weekly report on global markets inc key levels and their allocation recommendations. SC also taking a bow at their recent performance and allocations. They appear to be getting a bit more bullish, at least euro area wise and staying under weight fixed income. SC-WklyMacroStrat-18-oct13 US$ confusion reigns,...

CommerzB-CommodityFX 16th Oct13

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Not a report I have recently watched too closely but given recent price moves its worth starting to watch the commodity fx pairs more closely as well as the commodity indexes and components. Lets see if this DX breakdown holds. If it does these pairs will run. When they move they generally trend for extended...


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Not easy to get our hands on GS reports and when we do you have to read slightly cynically. Having said that this one of the more useful macro reports. GS-MacroCharts-10-13  

CommerzB – FX Weekly Technical Analysis – 17th Oct13

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Commerz pouring cold water and siting the 1.367 level as a number have. They expect a stall at this level and they could well be right. Will buyers step forward for the euro at this level? Or more likely will the institutions see an opportunity to roll over the asset allocators and force them to...

JPM-FX-WklyTech-17th Oct 2013

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Released earlier today, even JPM couldn’t directionally second guess what would occur on the eurusd and gbpusd etc. A few hours later and it appears, so far, we do have some answers here to direction. We can add their tech and position on the levels to all the other fx views published this week. It...

Commodity Index Volatility – GSG Index 2008 – 2013

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Currently on a historic annual volatility of 14% vs the mean this is low. FX has been quiet of late but if the major FX pairs start to see volatility and the Dollar index falls through this key level commodity index volatility will exponentially increase. An asymmetric trade to play off the low historic (below...

Technical Trading Chart EURUSD – 17th Oct 13

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EurUsd defines the dollar basket and today some major moves occurred. The pair help to define many instruments across world markets so what happens here is important. The euro is threatening to end her multi year cyclical bear vs the usd. Fundamentally its hard to point to the rational for this price move but hopefully...

JPM-US&Euro EquityStrat – 11th Oct 2013

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Here a great set of reports from JPM. First up their US equity strat inc analysis & next up their European recommendations and analysis. A couple of great reports. Hopefully regulars, with a large thank you to “AAwork” JP-US-Equity-11Oct13 JPM-EurEquityStrat-11-oct13 All the best Rich

SBank-Quarterly Commodities Q4 2013

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SBank have a reputation to keep in the commodities space. Their latest quarterly is pretty bearish. The secular commodities bull is being called into question here with the 2011 highs mostly lower than their 2007 highs and the cyclical continuation running deeper and longer than most commodity participants anticipated. There is nothing on the horizon...

HSBC GR GlobalFX (Inc Bullion) Tech 11th Oct 2013

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Here a new report from HSBC’s global research team. I like this report. Its not a technical report but it is a very thought provoking report. They nicely and properly include the bullion within their global fx view. Contrary to what Ben thought Gold is a currency class all by it self which HSBC appear...

Nordea-FocusUK-GBP 11th Oct 2013

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Here yet another report from the professionals on the UK with some accompanying FX forecasts. Summary Nordea: In spring the recovery was seen as the slowest in 100 years. Now, PMIs are the highest on record. In spring Governor Carney was the dove above doves. Now, he sees no need for more QE and is...

Commerz – Wkly Macro Econ & Index Trading Levels – 11th Oct 13

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Commerz-WklyMacroEcon-11-10-13 Not a bad report covering the macro and outlining some key levels across the various asset markets. All the best Rich
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