Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Top Projection This Week” 4th Oct16

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Another week rolls past and this low volatility distribution continues for most asset classes, GBP and bullion aside. This is a very mature bull market so its no wonder that risk asset volatility has declined here close to achieving new highs for many. The divergence between US risk and world risk also continues. US is...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “Pre Xmas Rally Pullback” 24th Nov15 V2

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Some interesting price feedback from FX here aside the equity rally has continued. Although the US$ is continuing to make good strength vs sterling and the euro she has scored failure patterns vs several currencies inc the AUD and SGD, CAD and others. This could be a meaningful indicator that the US$’s strength could take...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “$ Bull Game Changer” 16th Sept14

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The Swiss are back from their holidays. They have released a very interesting new report which continues the theme we have seen for some extended time now of technical divergence between indicators and price across the major US indexes. They offer the possibility of a new Oct high in the SP500 of 2040 or so...

Weekly Technical Strategy Update – CS,GS,CB,JP,MS,Yardeni – 3rd May14

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Another Holiday in the UK today but time again for a technical run through here. I’m going to update this through the day so please keep referring to this doc as i will continue to add reports. Following on from last week’s technical confusion we see the theme continue this week as conviction levels for...

Weekly Multi Market Technical Update – “China Bullish Reversal” 25th March14

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Here below please find the Swiss team’s latest weekly technical analysis report on the major international asset markets. They pick up many of the same issues as we have already on the forum pages and prior posts inc the Biotech sector issues and also the SOX deeply overbought etc, etc. They remain medium term bullishly...

Weekly Multi Market “MM” Strat & Equity Rec Reports – CS,JP,SC,CommerzB 21st Jan14

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Here are some of the latest reports from various market leading institutional wealth private banking and equity teams. First up lets start with the usual weekly “MM” report from CS Wealth CS-mmwealth-17-1-14 And here an excellent multi asset report from Commerz. “Dangerous optimism” is their opening line and i tend to agree. And note on...

“MM” Allocations/Tech/Recs – CS,Citi,JP,MS, Barcap – 10 Jan14

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Here the latest multi market recommendations and allocations from the majors. First up Citi in a very useful short report detailing some of the 2013 history and projections for 2014. They sight a 93% probability for out performance in N.Asian equities. Citi-globalmmwkly-06-1-14 A couple of concise reports from allocation strat and changes. MSwealth-mm-06-1-14 And here...

“MM” EM & Asian Focus – JP, Sch – 08th Jan14

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The EM markets badly under performed for 2013 here some reports from the JP team covering the year passed and the year ahead for EM and Asian markets from a macro and then dropping down into specific tactical picks. Commercial property is a significant weighting of asset allocators. Note the rec from JP for Sun...

2014 Outlooks – “MM” Technical Analysis. ML,CS,BS,Citi,SB,HS,JL,WF

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Last post for 2013. What a wonderful year it has been for trend followers.Hedge funds have generally had a dismal year. One quote from a hedge fund manager summed up the situation nicely. “All you had to do this year was go long a major US index and go focus on your golf swing”. Yes...

“The New Great Game” Thunder Road Dec2013

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I very pleased to bring you the latest, hugely insightful, multi market macro report, namely, the Thunder Road Report. During this festive holiday period its a perfect time for some reflection on the macro and how this feed into our macro and micro allocations for the coming year. A very timely release therefore. Thunder Road’s...

JP-Equity, FX & Fixed Income 2014

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Here three outstanding reports from JP running the continued theme of forward looking 2014 view.No tech in specifically but don’t let that stop you from reading these two from the UK teams first and the third from the US equities team, which is a bit more of a cheer leading review, i believe. Both these...

Weekly Economic Roundup – DanskeB,AIB,CS,ML,WF 06th Dec13

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The summary from these ten reports below:  Increased spending achieved via growth in consumer credit and reduced savings as income declines in real terms. Weak economic growth and from the jobs data lots of part time low skilled service jobs being created. Non standard monetary measures are working in that they are helping to sustain...
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