Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.
Technical trading

Technical Analysis – Twitter Feed

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Seems a twitter is probably the right way to handle day to day activity. Markets are heating up so for those that like to be active and want to follow trades on a daily basis please follow the link. Ill develop a few themes there in real time. One for the moment is the...

Technical Analysis – “SP500 Tactical Top Confirmed” – 28th Jan20

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Guys, i post below a quick tactical update here given the step change in volatility from the recent market movements. US Risk SP500 and Technology have both over shot and reached record overbought territory on their weekly and daily time frames. With sentiment at contrarian levels and the SP500 reaching 3350, risk markets have moved...

The Secular Bull “Final Push” – Year Ahead Technical Analysis 12th Jan 2020 (Part1)

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Happy new year to you all, 2019 was a complicated though blisteringly high return year for most market indexes and thankfully my own book of assets. It was a very selective year though with 5 mega cap stocks in the US making much of the index gains. It was another year where the base cyclical...

Technical Analysis – SP500 Rotating Higher, Asia EM Breaking Out 5th Nov19

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Its been a while since i updated here. The wave C in risk off that was forecast by the Swiss team just didn’t materialize. The technical setup was clear with multiple death crosses and the exploding challenges in the repo market along side many key markets weakening considerably or slipping into a technical recession inc...

Technical Analysis – Confirmed, Risk Assets in Wave 3 Breakdown -12th August19

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I hope all are enjoying their summer breaks here. Certainly listed securities of all shapes and sizes are moving here and we see major new trends taking hold and old trends gradually breaking down. For those that have positioned correctly (and incorrectly alike) this is a wealth transformative period. Volatility and directional speed is likely...

Technical Analysis Update – “All Eyes On Rates” 17th June19

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Its been a month since the last update but really major equity prices are barely any different. What has changed are rates at the ten year, the yield curve inversion and the price of precious metals which are at close to 5 yr highs. Lets skip to the guy’s views. Summary, the May price bottom...

Weekly Technical Analysis – Weak US Breadth, Asia EM Breakdown – 2nd May19

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Guys apologies for the delay in posting, Here the latest summary from yesterday. Thanks for the continued support.. US Risk: Since end Feb, there has been increasing selectivity in the US market but where an intact sector rotation and technology mega cap out performance has, so far, prevented a bigger pullback in the SP500. After...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Tactical Weakness” 25th March19

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Apologies for the delay in posting this. This is last week’s update but the analysis is sound and I will update in the next 48hrs with the latest print. US Risk: After the early March risk pullback, following the tactical pattern, where into option expiration you often see the market holding up its 30 to...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 End March Near Term Weakness” 13th March19

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Good evening gents, It gives me great pleasure to bring you the latest update which to recap is an amalgamation of the traditional reports we used to run in their raw format re-rewitten by yours truly to comply with mifi2 regs. Ideas are not copy write, yet. Lets start with US Risk: The rebound in...

Weekly Technical Analysis – “SP500 Peak, US$ Strengthening” 19th Feb19

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Evening gents and apologies for missing last week’s report point. All assets markets have a positive tail wind here with dovish comments from the several of the major central banks and what appears to be the last gasps of a renewal of the “bad news is good” theme of the last decade. Lead indicators like...

Annual Technical Analysis Forecast Update – “Reflation Cycle End” 26th Jan19

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Guys, I’ll update this in real time through out the weekend but here for starters is the summary of the usual annual technical forecast update, albeit in a new mifi2 compliant ie proprietary format. A small change that I make our Capitalsynthesis a closed group and enrollment is by invitation only or by reference of...

Fortnightly Technical Analysis – “World Equity Divergences At Extremes” 18th Aug18

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We are still in the Summer recess here across world markets but its noteworthy to record the observation that divergence between world equity markets and US equity markets is at an all time extreme standard deviation. This is a trade set up but seldom has the likely technical directional forecast been so clouded as now,...
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