A friend kindly sent me the latest Goldman’s Asian roundup of particular Asian focused stocks. A timely round picking out the unloved conglomerates.  I’ve been mentioning Swire for the last couple of weeks as showing particular value. Goldman’s own analysis showing a 80% discount to net asset value. They don’t mention the stella earnings and extremely lwo debt ratio following the recent sale of Hutchinson Wharf.  I see they have picked out various other conglomerates for us. Requires research before commenting. Swire is a ‘no brainer’ at these circa 100 HK$ levels. ( I say this accepting huge volatility is possible, of course).  The HK$ peg is another issue that is left off the analysis. Singapore will force HKs hand in this respect i suggest.


As an aside, conglomerates have been an unloved asset class over the last few decades. The trend has been to break up such enterprises to realize their sum of parts valuation. I understand this but as we march in to difficult waters of government’s meddling in markets and uncertainty of where all the ‘new’ money will flow I specifically like/love conglomerates. Conglomerates are exactly the sort of place i want to store the bulk of my capital especially at 80% discounts to NAV, on pes of 4  and with 10% debt ratios. As always, in my opinion.

All the best Rich

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