Hi guys, many people have mailed as regards to more detail on options.. I am in the process of writing a pdf that will hopefully contain the key points re calls puts and covered options.  All are very useful for particular market moments and should be a part of the arsenal of instruments we should use to protect and grow our capital. As i say its a work in progress but i stick up here a very basic spreadsheet that i used to evaluate my recent entries into various miners. My various personal positions are detailed with my upside jan 2013 targets. You will see the targets are high as i am super bullish re the pm miners. (Recognizing it is a patient trade). Don’t get carried away by my personal nos.. My point in posting this up is purely to enable others to more easily model these things. The spreadsheet framework is the point.. Effective use of this framework should enable us all to model our own entries and targets as well as compare different the calls on the different miners. Friends helping friends is what we should do more of, not less.

As i say, this is by no means the finished spreadsheet.. the final will be much easier to use and much prettier etc.. But time is marching on so i stick this up as an early draft.. please view it accordingly.. Ill come back with much more information very soon on the options markets and how to use them.

All the best

Option Pricing calc


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