Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

Multi Market Weekly Technical Analysis – Citi (Fitzpatrick) 20th – 25th Feb14

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Here a couple of the latest Fitzpatrick reports from Citi. What I really admire about his reports is that he blends the technical and fundamental in a way few do. He  is prepared to step beyond the near term correlations to offer what are near term contrarian macro bets that are in line with a...

Weekly Multi Market Technical Analysis – “Take Profits” 25th Feb14

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Here the weekly multi market technical analysis from the award winning Swiss team. First up, although they see the likelihood of  a possible near term extension to 1885 on the sp500 they are in the “take profit” camp here in the near term across extended sectors and indexes like the Hangseng and Euro indexes. ‘All...

Multi Market Allocations & Technical Analysis – CS, JP, MS, Citi, Nomura, SC – 25th Feb14

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In a rush here im afraid so here a selection of reports. Here the citi fx team covering the bullion asset. (This is different technical team to the Fitzpatrick team so just be careful on that one). Citi-billiontech-17-2-14 Here JP on euro equities: jp-euroequity-24-2-14 Here JP on us equity JP-equitystrategyUS-21-2-14 And here JP asia jp-asia-20-2-14...

Macro Economic Reports WF,GS,CS,BNP,BarCap,Commerz – 21th Feb14

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Here WF with their weekly macro take on where we are: WF-wkmacro-21-2-14 Here WF with their monthly view of the US LEIs, where we are and where we are heading: WF-LEIs-21-2-14 here euro economic perspectives from Commerz commerz-eurozone-21-2-14 And here Commerz on German growth. The problem is divergence between her and her European partners, particularly...

“Multi Market” Allocations & Technical Reports – SC,CS,JP – 15th – 19th Feb14

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A few back reports from a few days ago that I wanted to post up prior to posting their latest in the next 48hrs. Here SC private bank with their “MM” view. Its fairly bullish stuff which is the consensus view of course. A general comment would be its a very middle of the road...

Weekly Multi Market Technical Analysis – “SP500 On Track to 1920” 18th Feb14

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A considered and therefore excellent report from the Swiss team. Lets get to the detail. Cyclical model wise and strategically speaking therefore they are sticking to their model for a deeper h2 continuation of the equity bull market building to an important top for equity indexes, SP500 1920 to 1970. (These are bullish levels but...

FX Fundamental & Technical Analysis Update – HSBC,JP,CS,BarCap,MS,Citi – 17th Feb14

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Here below the major weekly FX technical and fundamental perspectives from the large institutional players on the major FX pairs. First up HSBC with a good run through on the macro fx picture: HSBC-FX-Macrostrat-14-2-14 And here the Citi Fx technical perspective: citi-fx-13-2-14 Here MS with their usual weekly FX strategy report: MS-FXwkly-14-2-14 And here the...

CapSyn US Equity Index Technical Analysis – “Technical Damage To Risk On” – 16th Feb14

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I make a few US Index technical comments and observations here below. Firstly on market breadth looking for clues as to the significance of this recent correction in equity indexes. Here we see the number of S&P500 stocks making 52 week lows over the last 3 years. This may look like noise initially on viewing...

Multi Market Weekly Technical Analysis – Citi,Fitzpatrick “Yellow & Black” – 16th Feb14

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Fitzpatrick and his team deserves their reputation. An outstanding report. I realize for many Sunday is reading/study day so I’ll issue this quickly now and leave the Capsyn comment until a comprehensive ‘capsyn’ report this evening. Here Fitzpatrick’s latest: Citi-wklymmtech-14-2-14 And here the Commerz team’s latest bullion technical analysis issue. Commerz-bulliontech-14-2-14 Least we forget, the...

Commodities – BarCap – 14th Feb14

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Here an excellent report from the global BarCap Commodities team. They cover the major commodities markets from a fundamental and technical indicator correlative basis. Their comments on the copper market goes some way to explain the divergence we see between prices for copper related equity themes and the underlying. Its worth just explaining/unpicking this linkage...

Multi Market Technical Price Charts – CS – 14th Feb14

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Here below CS’s outstanding chart pack. I find it difficult to find many holes in this pack. The longer term MACD moment comments on the equity markets generally are spot on and fit perfectly with a gradual topping out process in these equity indexes. But note so too are the SP500 near term call for...

Multi Asset Technical & Fundamental Strategy Update – CS,JP,BarCap,Commerz,Facset – 13th Feb14

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Here below please find the latest reports from the major institutions. As usual many more to come. The rebound from the lows of the recent correction have produced some big bounce backs in many equity indexes. The divergence in performance is worthy of comment. In the winner’s circle, China’s Shanghai index has risen nearly 15%...
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