Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

Marc Faber Exclusive to Capitalsynthesis members..

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“A very nice and informative website. The challenge for small investors will be to preserve capital in an environment where the government is corrupt, the media is prepared to misinform people, and where the corporate and especially the financial sector is increasingly dishonest”. Marc Faber July 20th 2011

BOJ Signals Willingness to Print More..

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Deputy Governor Hirohide Yamaguchi of the BOJ pledged “decisive” policy action.. Imo he is making a play here for the top job. I’m on record as saying the Governor, Masaaki Shirakawa is in the ‘departure lounge’. I believe this is the commencement of his exit. So, I wonder what decisive measures the central banker could...

UBS Calls End of Cyclical Bull Market.. (Just released)..

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Just released on the wires a very interesting UBS technical call on these markets. UBS calling a market top here, near term. May reach 1370 sp500 but this would most likely represent the top and end of the 2009 to 2011 cyclical bull market and the start of the cyclical bear market according to UBS....

Markets – Hedgies Getting chopped up..

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Choppy markets continue.. Soros’ quantum endowment fund now in 75% cash. Many hedge funds having a very tough time of it here and now. ”The easy money is gone’ Faber. “I find the current situation much more baffling and much less predictable than I did at the time of the height of the financial...


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Asia weak over night.. no great moves just continued worries on a slowing China, inflation and the US and European weakness and poor data. No panic though, yet. This has all the appearances of a chart you want to short doesn’t it. The HSI is little better. The hongkong markets is liquid and carries...

David Einhorn Greenlight Capital – Q2 Letter

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The star hedge fund manager’s q2 letter to shareholders (july 7th) covering the Euro crisis, US debt ceiling, US stocks, YEN and macro JapanGreenlight-Capital-Q2-Letter 

Marc Faber on FinancialSense – July 15th 2011

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The one and only Marc Faber. Rich

Morgan Stanley OIL & Asset Allocations June2011

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Morgan-Stanley-Asset-Allocation-Strategy Morgan’s are bullish commodities and now forecasting oil spare capacity to have completely disappeared by Q3 2013. 2011 q1 saw Morgan’s get on board with peak oil. (the cynics may say a sell signal.. lol). Near term they expect some weakness especially with the Saudis and US,Europe releasing stores. Total bpd increase in june/july...


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Path of least resistance was indeed up.. Finally we got the breakout across numerous instruments with it, therefore, looking a little more meaningful.. nas leading the way, close behind was the sp500 on the break and then finally the  dow/ym confirmed.. Here the sp500.. No crystal ball, just price.. Rich p.s. The Michigan consumer sentiment...

Euro Bank Stress Tests – 8 fail

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Well, 8 failed the tests.. 8 failing sort of implies there was a test at least.. which is quite possibly the reason why a few have failed. They are uniformly small banks, mostly in Spain. The  capital required to make them pass is a mere 3.5bn usds or around 0.01% of euro annual gdp. So,...

Markets.. (finally)..

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The joys of spanish internet have delayed the markets summary today.. apologies, beyond my control i’m afraid.. Asia calm over night again and shanghi looking almost healthy.. the big trend remains as was of course.. Technical view at: DM markets threatened that breakdown yesterday but as said it was all way too calm.. these markets...

Deutsche Bank – Food Price Projections

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Deutsche-Bank-Lower-Food-Prices-Not-in-Sight Good to see Deutsche Bank finally mentioning currency debasement of the USD as a key driver of food prices.. You recall a year or so ago no reports mentioned currency debasement as a driver. At least research departments are playing catchup now. It seems few in the farming business now believe much the USDA...
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