Capital: A principal, investment, money, assets, labour, stock, property, a store of value larger or more prominent; it may also suggest preeminence or excellence; capital letter, idea, virtue. Synthesis: A complex whole made up of a number of parts united; the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles; a mixture or combination of ideas, beliefs, styles.

Morgan Stanley on USDA Corn Crop Estimates

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The data shows the USDA is consistent. They consistently over estimated corn supplies and stock projections. They are 100% consistent in this respect. The USDA stunned the markets, at least momentarily, by their latest corn estimates a week or so ago. More and more participants have called this data into question, now inc MS. I’ve...

China Raises Rates, can’t sell Bonds, Trade Surplus Widens

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Having narrowed recently, the trade surplus is widening again. Why? According to China’s own data she has been using stores of food and metals. Copper imports are slightly up from the prior month (but remember the prior month was very low for copper imports due to draining her stores – note copx price very high...

Gold News

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Switzerland is soon to examine re-linking the chf to gold from initiatives by the SVP party. Switzerland lost her gold backed chf in may 2000 following a very close referendum on the issue. This allowed the Swiss banks to expand very rapidly after this date. Swiss banks have lent across the world thereafter creating chf...

‘My satisfaction always came from beating the market, solving the puzzle. The money was the reward, but it was not the main reason I loved the market’ – Jess Livermore 1920s

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The words capital and synthesis hopefully capture the very best aspects of why and how we collaborate and work together to enhanced mutual benefit. History wise, has evolved very naturally from various investor forums including the gsk board to the mcx boards. We have all grown over the years as both people and investors....
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